Need to transfer a firearm? We try to make the process as easy and inexpensive as possible.
In most cases, when you purchase a firearm online, the seller will email you instructions. Simply forward that email to, and we will take care of the rest. Please be sure to include you're contact info, and we will notify you when items arrive. We charge $25 for each firearm transferred.
When you come to pick up your firearm there is a process that normally takes about 15-20 minutes. You will be required to fill out Sections B of ATF Form 4473.
As the transferee, you must also provide valid, government issued, photo ID. The ID should also have the address of your current residence. If it does not have your current address, you must be able to provide supplemental government issued identification with the correct address. A voter or vehicle registration with the correct address will usually suffice. For additional information on ID requirements, refer to the ATF Website or Form 4473 Instructions.
All transferees will be subject to a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Search.